First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Alessandro | Vadalà | INAF - Astronomical Observatory of Rome |
Alexandros | Karam | NICPB, Tallinn |
Amin | Aboubrahim | Union College |
Andrzej | Borowiec | Wrocław University, Institute of Theoretical Physics |
Antonino | Del Popolo | Department of Physics and Astronomy, INFN CATANIA |
Antonio | Quintana | IFF CSIC |
Asiyeh | Habibi | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran |
Bivudutta | Mishra | BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus |
Brent | Tully | University of Hawaii |
Carmen | Ferrara | Scuola Superiore Meridionale |
Denitsa | Staicova | INRNE, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences |
Dong Ha | Lee | University of Sheffield |
Dr. Sehrish | Iftikhar | Lahore College for women University, Lahore, Pakistan. |
Eleonora | Di Valentino | University of Sheffield |
Elsa | Teixeira | Université de Montpellier & CNRS |
Elvis | Baraković | University of Tuzla |
Encieh | Erfani | Perimeter Institute |
Enrico | Specogna | University of Sheffield |
Fotios | Anagnostopoulos | University of the Peloponnese |
Francesco | Bajardi | Scuola Superiore Meridionale |
Gaurav | Gadbail | Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Hyderabad campus, India |
Geraint | Lewis | Sydney Institute or Astronomy, The University of Sydney |
Hanyu | Cheng | Tsung Dao Lee institute & SJTU |
Ippocratis | Saltas | IOP, Czech Academy of Sciences |
İsmail Deniz | Gün | Boğaziçi Üniversitesi |
J Alberto | Vazquez | ICF-UNAM |
Jackson | Levi Said | University of Malta |
Jana | Bogdanoska | Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje |
Javier | Rubio | Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Jimena | Vazquez | Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Jorge Enrique | García-Farieta | Universidad de Córdoba |
Leandros | Perivolaropoulos | University of Ioannina |
Luca | Visinelli | Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Mahdi | Najafi | Sapienza University of Rome |
Mahmood | Roshan | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad |
Manvi | Chauhan | University of Hull |
Marcin | Postolak | University of Wrocław |
Mariam | Abdelaziz | Scuola Superiore Meridionale |
Merab | Gogberashvili | Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University |
Mevhibe Dilara | Pütkül | Istanbul Technical University |
Milan | Dimitrijevic | Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade, Serbia |
Narges | Heidari | Center for Theoretical Physics, Khazar University, Azerbaijan. |
Nihan | Katırcı | Doğuş University |
Olga | Mena | IFIC (CSIC-UV) |
Pilar | Ruiz-Lapuente | Instituto de Física Fundamental (IFF) & Institute of Cosmos Sciences (ICCUB) |
Rafid H. | Dejrah | Ankara University |
Rasmi | Hajjar | IFIC (CSIC-UV) |
Roza Mercan | Eskin | Istanbul Technical University |
Saboura sadat | Zamani | University of Szczecin |
Saeed | Pourojaghi | Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Iran |
Salvatore | Capozziello | Università di Napoli Federico II and INFN Sez. di Napoli |
Samira | Rahimli | Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory named after N.Tusi |
Stylianos Adam | Tsilioukas | University of Thessaly |
Unnikrishnan | Sureshkumar | University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg |
Vedad | Pasic | University of Tuzla |
Veljko | Vujcic | Astronomical Observatory Belgrade |
Vitor | da Fonseca | University of Lisbon (Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences) |
Vladimir | Sreckovic | Institute of physics Belgrade |
Wei-Ning | Deng | Astrophysics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge |
Young-Wook | Lee | Yonsei University |
Youri | Carloni | Unicam |
Zahra | Davari Dolatabadi | Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) |
Ziwen | Yin | Tsung-Dao Lee Institute & SJTU |
Özgür Toprak | Şahin | Istanbul Technical University |
12 more participants |
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